path: root/community/perl-app-cpanminus/cpanms
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Diffstat (limited to 'community/perl-app-cpanminus/cpanms')
1 files changed, 652 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/community/perl-app-cpanminus/cpanms b/community/perl-app-cpanminus/cpanms
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d88d0cce01d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/community/perl-app-cpanminus/cpanms
@@ -0,0 +1,652 @@
+# This version of cpanminus has been modified in the following 3 ways:
+# (1) The `--retry-connrefused` option for the wget backend has been
+# commented out. This restores compatibility with Busybox wget
+# that comes pre-installed in the Alpine base system.
+# (2) The default CPAN mirrors have been changed from HTTP to HTTPS.
+# This provides better security. Alpine's `apk` package manager
+# ensures that the necessary dependencies for enabling HTTPS
+# support with Busybox wget are installed with this package.
+# (3) The `has_working_lwp` method has been altered to first check
+# if @$mirrors provided to it as an argument is an empty array.
+# This causes $https to be true when @$mirrors is empty, which
+# is the behavior we want, because the default mirrors have
+# been switched to HTTPS as stated above in (2). When $https
+# is true, the eval-require check for LWP::Protocol::https
+# runs, so if you don't have that installed, this version
+# of cpanminus will fallback on wget, instead of displaying
+# the "LWP will support https URLs if the LWP::Protocol::https
+# module is installed" error message.
+# If you're looking for the unmodified cpanminus, please install
+# the `perl-app-cpanminus` package instead.
+use strict;
+use App::cpanminus::https::fatscript;
+unless (caller) {
+ my $app = App::cpanminus::script->new;
+ $app->parse_options(@ARGV);
+ exit $app->doit;
+=head1 NAME
+cpanms - get, unpack build and install modules from CPAN via HTTPS
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ cpanms Test::More # install Test::More
+ cpanms MIYAGAWA/Plack-0.99_05.tar.gz # full distribution path
+ cpanms http://example.org/LDS/CGI.pm-3.20.tar.gz # install from URL
+ cpanms ~/dists/MyCompany-Enterprise-1.00.tar.gz # install from a local file
+ cpanms --interactive Task::Kensho # Configure interactively
+ cpanms . # install from local directory
+ cpanms --installdeps . # install all the deps for the current directory
+ cpanms -L extlib Plack # install Plack and all non-core deps into extlib
+ cpanms --mirror http://cpan.cpantesters.org/ DBI # use the fast-syncing mirror
+ cpanms --from https://cpan.metacpan.org/ Plack # use only the HTTPS mirror
+This version of cpanminus has been modified in the following 3 ways:
+=over 4
+=item 1.
+The C<--retry-connrefused> option for the wget backend has been
+commented out. This restores compatibility with Busybox wget
+that comes pre-installed in the Alpine base system.
+=item 2.
+The default CPAN mirrors have been changed from HTTP to HTTPS.
+This provides better security. Alpine's C<apk> package manager
+ensures that the necessary dependencies for enabling HTTPS
+support with Busybox wget are installed with this package.
+=item 3.
+The C<has_working_lwp> method has been altered to first check
+if @$mirrors provided to it as an argument is an empty array.
+This causes $https to be true when @$mirrors is empty, which
+is the behavior we want, because the default mirrors have
+been switched to HTTPS as stated above in (2). When $https
+is true, the eval-require check for LWP::Protocol::https
+runs, so if you don't have that installed, this version
+of cpanminus will fallback on wget, instead of displaying
+the "LWP will support https URLs if the LWP::Protocol::https
+module is installed" error message.
+If you're looking for the unmodified cpanminus, please install
+the C<perl-app-cpanminus> package instead.
+=head1 COMMANDS
+=over 4
+=item (arguments)
+Command line arguments can be either a module name, distribution file,
+local file path, HTTP URL or git repository URL. Following commands
+will all work as you expect.
+ cpanms Plack
+ cpanms Plack/Request.pm
+ cpanms MIYAGAWA/Plack-1.0000.tar.gz
+ cpanms /path/to/Plack-1.0000.tar.gz
+ cpanms http://cpan.metacpan.org/authors/id/M/MI/MIYAGAWA/Plack-0.9990.tar.gz
+ cpanms git://github.com/plack/Plack.git
+Additionally, you can use the notation using C<~> and C<@> to specify
+version for a given module. C<~> specifies the version requirement in
+the L<CPAN::Meta::Spec> format, while C<@> pins the exact version, and
+is a shortcut for C<~"== VERSION">.
+ cpanms Plack~1.0000 # 1.0000 or later
+ cpanms Plack~">= 1.0000, < 2.0000" # latest of 1.xxxx
+ cpanms Plack@0.9990 # specific version. same as Plack~"== 0.9990"
+The version query including specific version or range will be sent to
+L<MetaCPAN> to search for previous releases. The query will search for
+BackPAN archives by default, unless you specify C<--dev> option, in
+which case, archived versions will be filtered out.
+For a git repository, you can specify a branch, tag, or commit SHA to
+build. The default is C<master>
+ cpanms git://github.com/plack/Plack.git@1.0000 # tag
+ cpanms git://github.com/plack/Plack.git@devel # branch
+=item -i, --install
+Installs the modules. This is a default behavior and this is just a
+compatibility option to make it work like L<cpan> or L<cpanp>.
+=item --self-upgrade
+Upgrades itself. It's just an alias for:
+ cpanms App::cpanminus
+=item --info
+Displays the distribution information in
+C<AUTHOR/Dist-Name-ver.tar.gz> format in the standard out.
+=item --installdeps
+Installs the dependencies of the target distribution but won't build
+itself. Handy if you want to try the application from a version
+controlled repository such as git.
+ cpanms --installdeps .
+=item --look
+Download and unpack the distribution and then open the directory with
+your shell. Handy to poke around the source code or do manual
+=item -h, --help
+Displays the help message.
+=item -V, --version
+Displays the version number.
+=head1 OPTIONS
+You can specify the default options in C<PERL_CPANM_OPT> environment variable.
+=over 4
+=item -f, --force
+Force install modules even when testing failed.
+=item -n, --notest
+Skip the testing of modules. Use this only when you just want to save
+time for installing hundreds of distributions to the same perl and
+architecture you've already tested to make sure it builds fine.
+Defaults to false, and you can say C<--no-notest> to override when it
+is set in the default options in C<PERL_CPANM_OPT>.
+=item --test-only
+Run the tests only, and do not install the specified module or
+distributions. Handy if you want to verify the new (or even old)
+releases pass its unit tests without installing the module.
+Note that if you specify this option with a module or distribution
+that has dependencies, these dependencies will be installed if you
+don't currently have them.
+=item -S, --sudo
+Switch to the root user with C<sudo> when installing modules. Use this
+if you want to install modules to the system perl include path.
+Defaults to false, and you can say C<--no-sudo> to override when it is
+set in the default options in C<PERL_CPANM_OPT>.
+=item -v, --verbose
+Makes the output verbose. It also enables the interactive
+configuration. (See --interactive)
+=item -q, --quiet
+Makes the output even more quiet than the default. It only shows the
+successful/failed dependencies to the output.
+=item -l, --local-lib
+Sets the L<local::lib> compatible path to install modules to. You
+don't need to set this if you already configure the shell environment
+variables using L<local::lib>, but this can be used to override that
+as well.
+=item -L, --local-lib-contained
+Same with C<--local-lib> but with L<--self-contained> set. All
+non-core dependencies will be installed even if they're already
+For instance,
+ cpanms -L extlib Plack
+would install Plack and all of its non-core dependencies into the
+directory C<extlib>, which can be loaded from your application with:
+ use local::lib '/path/to/extlib';
+Note that this option does B<NOT> reliably work with perl installations
+supplied by operating system vendors that strips standard modules from perl,
+such as RHEL, Fedora and CentOS, B<UNLESS> you also install packages supplying
+all the modules that have been stripped. For these systems you will probably
+want to install the C<perl-core> meta-package which does just that.
+=item --self-contained
+When examining the dependencies, assume no non-core modules are
+installed on the system. Handy if you want to bundle application
+dependencies in one directory so you can distribute to other machines.
+=item --exclude-vendor
+Don't include modules installed under the 'vendor' paths when searching for
+core modules when the C<--self-contained> flag is in effect. This restores
+the behaviour from before version 1.7023
+=item --mirror
+Specifies the base URL for the CPAN mirror to use, such as
+C<http://cpan.cpantesters.org/> (you can omit the trailing slash). You
+can specify multiple mirror URLs by repeating the command line option.
+You can use a local directory that has a CPAN mirror structure
+(created by tools such as L<OrePAN> or L<Pinto>) by using a special
+URL scheme C<file://>. If the given URL begins with `/` (without any
+scheme), it is considered as a file scheme as well.
+ cpanms --mirror file:///path/to/mirror
+ cpanms --mirror ~/minicpan # Because shell expands ~ to /home/user
+Defaults to C<http://www.cpan.org/>.
+=item --mirror-only
+Download the mirror's 02packages.details.txt.gz index file instead of
+querying the CPAN Meta DB. This will also effectively opt out sending
+your local perl versions to backend database servers such as CPAN Meta
+DB and MetaCPAN.
+Select this option if you are using a local mirror of CPAN, such as
+minicpan when you're offline, or your own CPAN index (a.k.a darkpan).
+=item --from, -M
+ cpanms -M https://cpan.metacpan.org/
+ cpanms --from https://cpan.metacpan.org/
+Use the given mirror URL and its index as the I<only> source to search
+and download modules from.
+It works similar to C<--mirror> and C<--mirror-only> combined, with a
+small difference: unlike C<--mirror> which I<appends> the URL to the
+list of mirrors, C<--from> (or C<-M> for short) uses the specified URL
+as its I<only> source to download index and modules from. This makes
+the option always override the default mirror, which might have been
+set via global options such as the one set by C<PERL_CPANM_OPT>
+environment variable.
+B<Tip:> It might be useful if you name these options with your shell
+aliases, like:
+ alias minicpanm='cpanms --from ~/minicpan'
+ alias darkpan='cpanms --from http://mycompany.example.com/DPAN'
+=item --mirror-index
+B<EXPERIMENTAL>: Specifies the file path to C<02packages.details.txt>
+for module search index.
+=item --cpanmetadb
+B<EXPERIMENTAL>: Specifies an alternate URI for CPAN MetaDB index lookups.
+=item --metacpan
+Prefers MetaCPAN API over CPAN MetaDB.
+=item --cpanfile
+B<EXPERIMENTAL>: Specified an alternate path for cpanfile to search for,
+when C<--installdeps> command is in use. Defaults to C<cpanfile>.
+=item --prompt
+Prompts when a test fails so that you can skip, force install, retry
+or look in the shell to see what's going wrong. It also prompts when
+one of the dependency failed if you want to proceed the installation.
+Defaults to false, and you can say C<--no-prompt> to override if it's
+set in the default options in C<PERL_CPANM_OPT>.
+=item --dev
+B<EXPERIMENTAL>: search for a newer developer release as well. Defaults to false.
+=item --reinstall
+cpanms, when given a module name in the command line (i.e. C<cpanms
+Plack>), checks the locally installed version first and skips if it is
+already installed. This option makes it skip the check, so:
+ cpanms --reinstall Plack
+would reinstall L<Plack> even if your locally installed version is
+latest, or even newer (which would happen if you install a developer
+release from version control repositories).
+Defaults to false.
+=item --interactive
+Makes the configuration (such as C<Makefile.PL> and C<Build.PL>)
+interactive, so you can answer questions in the distribution that
+requires custom configuration or Task:: distributions.
+Defaults to false, and you can say C<--no-interactive> to override
+when it's set in the default options in C<PERL_CPANM_OPT>.
+=item --pp, --pureperl
+Prefer Pure perl build of modules by setting C<PUREPERL_ONLY=1> for
+MakeMaker and C<--pureperl-only> for Build.PL based
+distributions. Note that not all of the CPAN modules support this
+convention yet.
+=item --with-recommends, --with-suggests
+B<EXPERIMENTAL>: Installs dependencies declared as C<recommends> and
+C<suggests> respectively, per META spec. When these dependencies fail
+to install, cpanms continues the installation, since they're just
+Enabling this could potentially make a circular dependency for a few
+modules on CPAN, when C<recommends> adds a module that C<recommends>
+back the module in return.
+There's also C<--without-recommend> and C<--without-suggests> to
+override the default decision made earlier in C<PERL_CPANM_OPT>.
+Defaults to false for both.
+=item --with-develop
+B<EXPERIMENTAL>: Installs develop phase dependencies in META files or
+C<cpanfile> when used with C<--installdeps>. Defaults to false.
+=item --with-configure
+B<EXPERIMENTAL>: Installs configure phase dependencies in C<cpanfile>
+when used with C<--installdeps>. Defaults to false.
+=item --with-feature, --without-feature, --with-all-features
+B<EXPERIMENTAL>: Specifies the feature to enable, if a module supports
+optional features per META spec 2.0.
+ cpanms --with-feature=opt_csv Spreadsheet::Read
+the features can also be interactively chosen when C<--interactive>
+option is enabled.
+C<--with-all-features> enables all the optional features, and
+C<--without-feature> can select a feature to disable.
+=item --configure-timeout, --build-timeout, --test-timeout
+Specify the timeout length (in seconds) to wait for the configure,
+build and test process. Current default values are: 60 for configure,
+3600 for build and 1800 for test.
+=item --configure-args, --build-args, --test-args, --install-args
+B<EXPERIMENTAL>: Pass arguments for configure/build/test/install
+commands respectively, for a given module to install.
+ cpanms DBD::mysql --configure-args="--cflags=... --libs=..."
+The argument is only enabled for the module passed as a command line
+argument, not dependencies.
+=item --scandeps
+B<DEPRECATED>: Scans the depencencies of given modules and output the
+tree in a text format. (See C<--format> below for more options)
+Because this command doesn't actually install any distributions, it
+will be useful that by typing:
+ cpanms --scandeps Catalyst::Runtime
+you can make sure what modules will be installed.
+This command takes into account which modules you already have
+installed in your system. If you want to see what modules will be
+installed against a vanilla perl installation, you might want to
+combine it with C<-L> option.
+=item --format
+B<DEPRECATED>: Determines what format to display the scanned
+dependency tree. Available options are C<tree>, C<json>, C<yaml> and
+=over 8
+=item tree
+Displays the tree in a plain text format. This is the default value.
+=item json, yaml
+Outputs the tree in a JSON or YAML format. L<JSON> and L<YAML> modules
+need to be installed respectively. The output tree is represented as a
+recursive tuple of:
+ [ distribution, dependencies ]
+and the container is an array containing the root elements. Note that
+there may be multiple root nodes, since you can give multiple modules
+to the C<--scandeps> command.
+=item dists
+C<dists> is a special output format, where it prints the distribution
+filename in the I<depth first order> after the dependency resolution,
+ GAAS/MIME-Base64-3.13.tar.gz
+ GAAS/URI-1.58.tar.gz
+ PETDANCE/HTML-Tagset-3.20.tar.gz
+ GAAS/HTML-Parser-3.68.tar.gz
+ GAAS/libwww-perl-5.837.tar.gz
+which means you can install these distributions in this order without
+extra dependencies. When combined with C<-L> option, it will be useful
+to replay installations on other machines.
+=item --save-dists
+Specifies the optional directory path to copy downloaded tarballs in
+the CPAN mirror compatible directory structure
+i.e. I<authors/id/A/AU/AUTHORS/Foo-Bar-version.tar.gz>
+If the distro tarball did not come from CPAN, for example from a local
+file or from GitHub, then it will be saved under
+=item --uninst-shadows
+Uninstalls the shadow files of the distribution that you're
+installing. This eliminates the confusion if you're trying to install
+core (dual-life) modules from CPAN against perl 5.10 or older, or
+modules that used to be XS-based but switched to pure perl at some
+If you run cpanms as root and use C<INSTALL_BASE> or equivalent to
+specify custom installation path, you SHOULD disable this option so
+you won't accidentally uninstall dual-life modules from the core
+include path.
+Defaults to true if your perl version is smaller than 5.12, and you
+can disable that with C<--no-uninst-shadows>.
+B<NOTE>: Since version 1.3000 this flag is turned off by default for
+perl newer than 5.12, since with 5.12 @INC contains site_perl directory
+I<before> the perl core library path, and uninstalling shadows is not
+necessary anymore and does more harm by deleting files from the core
+library path.
+=item --uninstall, -U
+Uninstalls a module from the library path. It finds a packlist for
+given modules, and removes all the files included in the same
+If you enable local::lib, it only removes files from the local::lib
+If you try to uninstall a module in C<perl> directory (i.e. core
+module), an error will be thrown.
+A dialog will be prompted to confirm the files to be deleted. If you pass
+C<-f> option as well, the dialog will be skipped and uninstallation
+will be forced.
+=item --cascade-search
+B<EXPERIMENTAL>: Specifies whether to cascade search when you specify
+multiple mirrors and a mirror doesn't have a module or has a lower
+version of the module than requested. Defaults to false.
+=item --skip-installed
+Specifies whether a module given in the command line is skipped if its latest
+version is already installed. Defaults to true.
+B<NOTE>: The C<PERL5LIB> environment variable have to be correctly set
+for this to work with modules installed using L<local::lib>, unless
+you always use the C<-l> option.
+=item --skip-satisfied
+B<EXPERIMENTAL>: Specifies whether a module (and version) given in the
+command line is skipped if it's already installed.
+If you run:
+ cpanms --skip-satisfied CGI DBI~1.2
+cpanms won't install them if you already have CGI (for whatever
+versions) or have DBI with version higher than 1.2. It is similar to
+C<--skip-installed> but while C<--skip-installed> checks if the
+I<latest> version of CPAN is installed, C<--skip-satisfied> checks if
+a requested version (or not, which means any version) is installed.
+Defaults to false.
+=item --verify
+Verify the integrity of distribution files retrieved from CPAN using CHECKSUMS
+file, and SIGNATURES file (if found in the distribution). Defaults to false.
+Using this option does not verify the integrity of the CHECKSUMS file, and it's
+unsafe to rely on this option if you're using a CPAN mirror that you do not trust.
+=item --report-perl-version
+Whether it reports the locally installed perl version to the various
+web server as part of User-Agent. Defaults to true unless CI related
+environment variables such as C<TRAVIS>, C<CI> or C<AUTOMATED_TESTING>
+is enabled. You can disable it by using C<--no-report-perl-version>.
+=item --auto-cleanup
+Specifies the number of days in which cpanm's work directories
+expire. Defaults to 7, which means old work directories will be
+cleaned up in one week.
+You can set the value to C<0> to make cpan never cleanup those
+=item --man-pages
+Generates man pages for executables (man1) and libraries (man3).
+Defaults to true (man pages generated) unless C<-L|--local-lib-contained>
+option is supplied in which case it's set to false. You can disable
+it with C<--no-man-pages>.
+=item --lwp
+Uses L<LWP> module to download stuff over HTTP. Defaults to true, and
+you can say C<--no-lwp> to disable using LWP, when you want to upgrade
+LWP from CPAN on some broken perl systems.
+=item --wget
+Uses GNU Wget (if available) to download stuff. Defaults to true, and
+you can say C<--no-wget> to disable using Wget.
+=item --curl
+Uses cURL (if available) to download stuff. Defaults to true, and
+you can say C<--no-curl> to disable using cURL.
+Normally with C<--lwp>, C<--wget> and C<--curl> options set to true
+(which is the default) cpanms tries L<LWP>, Wget, cURL and L<HTTP::Tiny>
+(in that order) and uses the first one available.
+=over 4
+The directory cpanms should use to store downloads and build and test
+modules. Defaults to the C<.cpanm> directory in your user's home
+If set, adds a set of default options to every cpanms command. These
+options come first, and so are overridden by command-line options.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+=head1 BUGS
+This version of cpanminus distributed under the name of C<cpanms>
+has been modified by Rubicon for Alpine Linux. If you find any bugs
+that are specific to this version (not reproducible with the original
+cpanminus distributed in Alpine under the name of C<cpanm>), please
+do not bother the original author, instead file a bug report at:
+https://gitlab.alpinelinux.org/alpine/aports/-/issues .
+Copyright 2010- Tatsuhiko Miyagawa.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Tatsuhiko Miyagawa