path: root/main/llvm10/APKBUILD
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'main/llvm10/APKBUILD')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 249 deletions
diff --git a/main/llvm10/APKBUILD b/main/llvm10/APKBUILD
deleted file mode 100644
index d5d1777ac84..00000000000
--- a/main/llvm10/APKBUILD
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,249 +0,0 @@
-# Contributor: Rasmus Thomsen <oss@cogitri.dev>
-# Contributor: Martell Malone <martell@marinelayer.io>
-# Contributor: Travis Tilley <ttilley@gmail.com>
-# Contributor: Mitch Tishmack <mitch.tishmack@gmail.com>
-# Contributor: Jakub Jirutka <jakub@jirutka.cz>
-# Maintainer: Rasmus Thomsen <oss@cogitri.dev>
-pkgdesc="Low Level Virtual Machine compiler system, version $_majorver"
-makedepends="binutils-dev chrpath cmake libffi-dev python3 zlib-dev
- libxml2-dev py3-setuptools"
-# diffutils for diff: unrecognized option: strip-trailing-cr
-# coreutils for 'od' binary
-checkdepends="bash coreutils diffutils"
-subpackages="$pkgname-static $pkgname-libs $pkgname-dev $pkgname-test-utils:_test_utils"
- 0001-Disable-dynamic-lib-tests-for-musl-s-dlclose-is-noop.patch
- fix-memory-mf_exec-on-aarch64.patch
- fix-LLVMConfig-cmake-install-prefix.patch
- python3-test.patch
- "
-# ARM has few failures in test suite that we don't care about currently and
-# also it takes forever to run them on the builder.
-# MIPS as well...
-case "$CARCH" in
- arm*) options="$options !check";;
- mips*) options="$options !check";;
-# Whether is this package the default (latest) LLVM version.
-if [ "$_default_llvm" = yes ]; then
- provides="llvm=$pkgver-r$pkgrel"
- replaces="llvm"
-# NOTE: It seems that there's no (sane) way how to change includedir, sharedir
-# etc. separately, just the CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX. Standard CMake variables and
-# even LLVM-specific variables, that are related to these paths, actually
-# don't work (in llvm 3.7).
-# When building a software that depends on LLVM, utility llvm-config should be
-# used to discover where is LLVM installed. It provides options to print
-# path of bindir, includedir, and libdir separately, but in its source, all
-# these paths are actually hard-coded against INSTALL_PREFIX. We can patch it
-# and move paths manually, but I'm really not sure what it may break...
-# Also note that we should *not* add version suffix to files in llvm bindir!
-# It breaks build system of some software that depends on LLVM, because they
-# don't expect these files to have a sufix.
-# So, we install all the LLVM files into /usr/lib/llvm$_majorver.
-# BTW, Fedora and Debian do the same thing.
-prepare() {
- default_prepare
- mkdir -p "$builddir"/build
- # Known broken test on musl
- rm -v test/CodeGen/AArch64/wineh4.mir
-build() {
- cd "$builddir"/build
- # Auto-detect it by guessing either.
- local ffi_include_dir="$(pkg-config --cflags-only-I libffi | sed 's|^-I||g')"
- cmake -Wno-dev \
- -DFFI_INCLUDE_DIR="$ffi_include_dir" \
- -DLLVM_BINUTILS_INCDIR=/usr/include \
- "$builddir"
- make llvm-tblgen
- make
- python3 ../utils/lit/setup.py build
-check() {
- cd "$builddir"/build
- make check-llvm
-package() {
- cd "$builddir"/build
- make DESTDIR="$pkgdir" install
- cd "$pkgdir"/$_prefix
- # Remove RPATHs.
- file lib/*.so bin/* \
- | awk -F: '$2~/ELF/{print $1}' \
- | xargs -r chrpath -d
- # Symlink files from /usr/lib/llvm*/bin to /usr/bin.
- mkdir -p "$pkgdir"/usr/bin
- local name newname path
- for path in bin/*; do
- name=${path##*/}
- # Add version infix/suffix to the executable name.
- case "$name" in
- llvm-*) newname="llvm$_majorver-${name#llvm-}";;
- *) newname="$name$_majorver";;
- esac
- # If this package provides=llvm (i.e. it's the default/latest
- # llvm package), omit version infix/suffix.
- if [ "$_default_llvm" = yes ]; then
- newname=$name
- fi
- case "$name" in
- FileCheck | obj2yaml | yaml2obj) continue;;
- esac
- ln -s ../lib/llvm$_majorver/bin/$name "$pkgdir"/usr/bin/$newname
- done
- # Move /usr/lib/$pkgname/include/ into /usr/include/$pkgname/
- # and symlink it back.
- mkdir "$pkgdir"/usr/include/
- mv include "$pkgdir"/usr/include/$pkgname
- ln -s ../../include/$pkgname include
- # Move /usr/lib/$pkgname/lib/cmake/llvm/ into /usr/lib/cmake/$pkgname/
- # and symlink it back.
- mkdir "$pkgdir"/usr/lib/cmake/
- mv lib/cmake/llvm "$pkgdir"/usr/lib/cmake/$pkgname
- ln -s ../../../cmake/$pkgname lib/cmake/llvm
-static() {
- pkgdesc="LLVM $_majorver static libraries"
- _common_subpkg
- _mv "$pkgdir"/$_prefix/lib/*.a "$subpkgdir"/$_prefix/lib/
-libs() {
- pkgdesc="LLVM $_majorver runtime library"
- local soname="libLLVM-$_majorver.so"
- local soname2="libLLVM-$pkgver.so"
- mkdir -p "$subpkgdir"
- cd "$subpkgdir"
- # libLLVM should be in /usr/lib. This is needed for binaries that are
- # dynamically linked with libLLVM, so they can find it on default path.
- _mv "$pkgdir"/$_prefix/lib/$soname usr/lib/
- ln -s $soname usr/lib/$soname2
- # And also symlink it back to the LLVM prefix.
- mkdir -p $_prefix/lib
- ln -s ../../$soname $_prefix/lib/$soname
- ln -s ../../$soname $_prefix/lib/$soname2
-dev() {
- _common_subpkg
- default_dev
- cd "$subpkgdir"
- _mv "$pkgdir"/$_prefix/lib $_prefix/
- _mv "$pkgdir"/$_prefix/include $_prefix/
- _mv "$pkgdir"/$_prefix/bin/llvm-config $_prefix/bin/
- if [ "$_default_llvm" = yes ]; then
- ln -sf llvm$_majorver/lib/LLVMgold.so usr/lib/
- ln -sf llvm$_majorver/lib/libLTO.so usr/lib/
- ln -sf llvm$_majorver usr/lib/cmake/llvm
- fi
-_test_utils() {
- pkgdesc="LLVM $_majorver utilities for executing LLVM and Clang style test suites"
- depends="python3 py3-setuptools"
- _common_subpkg
- replaces=""
- local litver=$(python3 "$builddir"/utils/lit/setup.py --version 2>/dev/null \
- | sed 's/\.dev.*$//')
- test -n "$litver"
- provides="$provides lit=$litver-r$pkgrel"
- cd "$builddir"/build
- install -D -m 755 bin/count "$subpkgdir"/$_prefix/bin/count
- install -D -m 755 bin/FileCheck "$subpkgdir"/$_prefix/bin/FileCheck
- install -D -m 755 bin/not "$subpkgdir"/$_prefix/bin/not
- python3 ../utils/lit/setup.py install --prefix=/usr --root="$subpkgdir"
- ln -s ../../../bin/lit "$subpkgdir"/$_prefix/bin/lit
-_common_subpkg() {
- if [ "$_default_llvm" = yes ]; then
- replaces="llvm${subpkgname#$pkgname}"
- provides="$replaces=$pkgver-r$pkgrel"
- fi
-_mv() {
- local dest; for dest; do true; done # get last argument
- mkdir -p "$dest"
- mv "$@"
-sha512sums="7dc961aacee3a01ecc002ff2b688a2ef50661856d2abd5ecc90566ffcad7566e4976736cd339ea96592e452cd5a17aaceba9712b2effec805661cca8ff020ee7 llvm-10.0.0.src.tar.xz
-695502bd3b5454c2f5630c59a8cf5f8aeb0deac16a76a8a4df34849e1e35c12ed4234572a320fe4c7e96f974f572f429eb816c5aa3dcfb17057f550eac596495 0001-Disable-dynamic-lib-tests-for-musl-s-dlclose-is-noop.patch
-64b9ecb246cc94ce7f617b3699b3306de0872a1a9b0ade88563330aa6f9a60742bb1d73f95743d0f033ea8b1535e2e612250c8f50bddf4419741ca18f40eca1d fix-memory-mf_exec-on-aarch64.patch
-7d4825d16107e56a14b7b05be847f03d75e2e05952bea0742a1233b5b0441c9934d8058e612abb6471272884372d9bfd3348355fbd3c19cba82a554003cc3eec fix-LLVMConfig-cmake-install-prefix.patch
-53cc0d13dd871e9b775bb4e7567de4f9a97d91b8246cd7ce74607fd88d6e3e2ab9455f5b4195bc7f9dbdedbc77d659d43e98ec0b7cd78cd395aaea6919510287 python3-test.patch"