path: root/main/postgresql-common/pg_versions
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'main/postgresql-common/pg_versions')
1 files changed, 216 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/main/postgresql-common/pg_versions b/main/postgresql-common/pg_versions
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c40fb08c7c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/main/postgresql-common/pg_versions
@@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
+# Usage: pg_versions [options] [action [args...]]
+# Change the default PostgreSQL version, i.e. update symlinks in /etc, /usr/bin
+# and /usr/share/man to the selected major version.
+# Actions:
+# get-default
+# Print the current default version (major version number).
+# Exits with status 101 if no default version is set (i.e. path
+# /usr/libexec/postgresql/PG_VERSION does not exist).
+# set-default <pgver>
+# Install symlinks for version <pgver>; either a major version number of
+# installed postgresql package or "latest" for the latest installed
+# version.
+# fix
+# Re-install symlinks for the current default version and/or remove broken
+# symlinks.
+# list
+# List all installed PostgreSQL versions (major version numbers) sorted
+# from the highest to the lowest. Exits with status 101 if no version found.
+# uninstall
+# Remove all symlinks (it does *not* uninstall any packages).
+# Options:
+# -q Be quiet, don't print errors.
+# -v Be verbose.
+# -h --help Show this message and exit.
+# Please report bugs at <https://gitlab.alpinelinux.org/alpine/aports/-/issues>.
+# NOTE: This is a poor man's "alternatives" replacement specifically for PostgreSQL.
+# It will be replaced by a generic "alternatives" mechanism in the future.
+set -eu -o pipefail
+readonly PROGNAME='pg_versions'
+readonly DIR_LINKS='/etc/postgresql /usr/libexec/postgresql /usr/share/postgresql'
+help() {
+ local tag='#---help---'
+ sed -n "/^$tag/,/^$tag/{/^$tag/d; s/^# \\?//; p}" "$0"
+err() {
+ $QUIET || printf "$PROGNAME: %s\n" "$@" >&2
+die() {
+ err "$2"
+ exit $1
+_ln() {
+ local opt=''; $VERBOSE && opt='-v'
+ ln $opt "$@"
+_rm() {
+ local opt=''; $VERBOSE && opt='-v'
+ rm $opt "$@"
+mklink() {
+ local target=$1
+ local link=$2
+ if [ -e "$link" ] && ! [ -L "$link" ]; then
+ err "WARN: $link exists and it's not a symlink!"
+ return 1
+ else
+ _ln -sfn "$target" "$link"
+ fi
+must_run_as_root() {
+ [ "$(id -u)" -eq 0 ] || die 100 'must be run as root'
+create_links() {
+ local pgver=$1
+ local dir file rc=0
+ for dir in $DIR_LINKS; do
+ [ -d "$dir$pgver" ] || continue
+ mklink postgresql$pgver $dir || rc=1
+ done
+ for file in /usr/libexec/postgresql/*; do
+ [ -f "$file" ] || continue
+ mklink $file /usr/bin/${file##*/} || rc=1
+ done
+ local mandir='/usr/share/postgresql/man'
+ for dir in "$mandir"/man[0-9]; do
+ [ -d "$dir" ] || continue
+ mkdir -p /usr/share/man/${dir##*/} || rc=1
+ for file in $dir/*; do
+ [ -f "$file" ] || continue
+ mklink $file /usr/share/man/${file#$mandir} || rc=1
+ done
+ done
+ return $rc
+clean_broken_links() {
+ local link
+ for link in $DIR_LINKS; do
+ [ -e "$link" ] || _rm -f "$link"
+ done
+ for link in $(find /usr/bin /usr/share/man -type l ! -exec test -e {} \; -print); do
+ case "$(readlink $link)" in
+ /usr/libexec/postgresql/* | /usr/share/postgresql/*) _rm "$link";;
+ esac
+ done
+list() {
+ cat /usr/libexec/postgresql[0-9]*/PG_VERSION 2>/dev/null | sort -nr \
+ || die 101 'no postgresql is installed'
+get_default() {
+ cat /usr/libexec/postgresql/PG_VERSION 2>/dev/null \
+ || die 101 'symlink for the default version does not exist'
+set_default() {
+ local pgver=$1
+ local rc=0
+ [ "$pgver" = latest ] && pgver=$(list | head -n1)
+ [ -f /usr/libexec/postgresql"$pgver"/PG_VERSION ] \
+ || die 101 "postgresql$pgver-client is not installed"
+ create_links "$pgver" || rc=1
+ clean_broken_links || rc=1
+ return $rc
+fix() {
+ local pgver rc=0
+ if pgver=$(cat /usr/libexec/postgresql/PG_VERSION 2>/dev/null); then
+ create_links "$pgver" || rc=1
+ fi
+ clean_broken_links || rc=1
+ return $rc
+uninstall() {
+ local rc=0
+ local link; for link in $DIR_LINKS; do
+ [ -L $link ] || continue
+ _rm $link || rc=1
+ done
+ clean_broken_links || rc=1
+ return $rc
+case "${1:-}" in
+ -h | --help) help; exit 0;;
+ '' | -*) ;;
+ *) ACTION=$1; shift;;
+while getopts ':hqv' OPT; do
+ case "$OPT" in
+ h) help; exit 0;;
+ q) QUIET=true; VERBOSE=false;;
+ v) QUIET=false; VERBOSE=true;;
+ \?) die 100 "unknown option -$OPTARG (see '$PROGNAME -h')";;
+ esac
+shift $((OPTIND - 1))
+if ! [ "$ACTION" ] && [ $# -gt 0 ]; then
+ ACTION=$1; shift
+case "$ACTION" in
+ get-default | '')
+ ACTION='get_default'
+ ;;
+ set-default)
+ [ $# -ge 1 ] || die 100 "missing argument <pgver> (see '$PROGNAME -h')"
+ must_run_as_root
+ ACTION='set_default'
+ ;;
+ fix | uninstall)
+ must_run_as_root
+ ;;
+ list) ;;
+ *) die 100 "unknown action '$ACTION' (see '$PROGNAME -h')";;
+$ACTION "$@"