path: root/testing/firecracker/20-vm-fdt-Replace-libfdt-with-vm-fdt.patch
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Diffstat (limited to 'testing/firecracker/20-vm-fdt-Replace-libfdt-with-vm-fdt.patch')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 822 deletions
diff --git a/testing/firecracker/20-vm-fdt-Replace-libfdt-with-vm-fdt.patch b/testing/firecracker/20-vm-fdt-Replace-libfdt-with-vm-fdt.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 8f83b142c82..00000000000
--- a/testing/firecracker/20-vm-fdt-Replace-libfdt-with-vm-fdt.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,822 +0,0 @@
-From 61f4979803c7957d78a91f327bf2cfa03ba8cd13 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: AlexandruCihodaru <cihodar@amazon.com>
-Date: Thu, 2 Sep 2021 23:46:45 +0300
-Subject: [PATCH] [vm-fdt]: Replace libfdt with vm-fdt
-Deleted helper functions that have equivalent in vm-fdt and used
-vm-fdt to create the FDT.
-Signed-off-by: AlexandruCihodaru <cihodar@amazon.com>
-Thanks: Andreea Florescu <fandree@amazon.com>
- src/arch/src/aarch64/fdt.rs | 530 +++++++++++-------------------------
- src/arch/src/aarch64/mod.rs | 3 +-
- src/vmm/src/builder.rs | 2 +-
- 3 files changed, 166 insertions(+), 369 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/src/arch/src/aarch64/fdt.rs b/src/arch/src/aarch64/fdt.rs
-index b1db1873..f06c2dca 100644
---- a/src/arch/src/aarch64/fdt.rs
-+++ b/src/arch/src/aarch64/fdt.rs
-@@ -5,24 +5,19 @@
- // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
- // found in the THIRD-PARTY file.
--use libc::{c_int, c_void};
- use std::collections::HashMap;
--use std::ffi::{CStr, CString, NulError};
- use std::fmt::Debug;
--use std::ptr::null;
--use std::{io, result};
--use libfdt_bindings::*;
-+use std::result;
- use super::super::DeviceType;
- use super::super::InitrdConfig;
- use super::cache_info::{read_cache_config, CacheEntry};
- use super::get_fdt_addr;
- use super::gic::GICDevice;
--use super::layout::FDT_MAX_SIZE;
--use crate::aarch64::fdt::Error::CstringFDTTransform;
- use vm_memory::{Address, Bytes, GuestAddress, GuestMemory, GuestMemoryError, GuestMemoryMmap};
-+use vm_fdt::{Error as VmFdtError, FdtWriter, FdtWriterNode};
- // This is a value for uniquely identifying the FDT node declaring the interrupt controller.
- const GIC_PHANDLE: u32 = 1;
- // This is a value for uniquely identifying the FDT node containing the clock definition.
-@@ -60,251 +55,74 @@ pub trait DeviceInfoForFDT {
- /// Errors thrown while configuring the Flattened Device Tree for aarch64.
- #[derive(Debug)]
- pub enum Error {
-- /// Failed to append node to the FDT.
-- AppendFDTNode(io::Error),
-- /// Failed to append a property to the FDT.
-- AppendFDTProperty(io::Error),
-- /// Syscall for creating FDT failed.
-- CreateFDT(io::Error),
-- /// Failed to obtain a C style string.
-- CstringFDTTransform(NulError),
-- /// Failure in calling syscall for terminating this FDT.
-- FinishFDTReserveMap(io::Error),
-- /// Failure in populating the cache information for the vcpus.
-+ CreateFdt(VmFdtError),
- ReadCacheInfo(String),
- /// Failure in writing FDT in memory.
-- WriteFDTToMemory(GuestMemoryError),
-+ WriteFdtToMemory(GuestMemoryError),
-+impl From<VmFdtError> for Error {
-+ fn from(e: VmFdtError) -> Self {
-+ Error::CreateFdt(e)
-+ }
- }
- type Result<T> = result::Result<T, Error>;
- /// Creates the flattened device tree for this aarch64 microVM.
- pub fn create_fdt<T: DeviceInfoForFDT + Clone + Debug, S: std::hash::BuildHasher>(
- guest_mem: &GuestMemoryMmap,
- vcpu_mpidr: Vec<u64>,
-- cmdline: &CStr,
-+ cmdline: &str,
- device_info: &HashMap<(DeviceType, String), T, S>,
- gic_device: &dyn GICDevice,
- initrd: &Option<InitrdConfig>,
- ) -> Result<Vec<u8>> {
- // Allocate stuff necessary for storing the blob.
-- let mut fdt = vec![0; FDT_MAX_SIZE];
-- allocate_fdt(&mut fdt)?;
-+ let mut fdt_writer = FdtWriter::new()?;
- // For an explanation why these nodes were introduced in the blob take a look at
- // https://github.com/torvalds/linux/blob/master/Documentation/devicetree/booting-without-of.txt#L845
- // Look for "Required nodes and properties".
- // Header or the root node as per above mentioned documentation.
-- append_begin_node(&mut fdt, "")?;
-- append_property_string(&mut fdt, "compatible", "linux,dummy-virt")?;
-+ let root = fdt_writer.begin_node("")?;
-+ fdt_writer.property_string("compatible", "linux,dummy-virt")?;
- // For info on #address-cells and size-cells read "Note about cells and address representation"
- // from the above mentioned txt file.
-- append_property_u32(&mut fdt, "#address-cells", ADDRESS_CELLS)?;
-- append_property_u32(&mut fdt, "#size-cells", SIZE_CELLS)?;
-+ fdt_writer.property_u32("#address-cells", ADDRESS_CELLS)?;
-+ fdt_writer.property_u32("#size-cells", SIZE_CELLS)?;
- // This is not mandatory but we use it to point the root node to the node
- // containing description of the interrupt controller for this VM.
-- append_property_u32(&mut fdt, "interrupt-parent", GIC_PHANDLE)?;
-- create_cpu_nodes(&mut fdt, &vcpu_mpidr)?;
-- create_memory_node(&mut fdt, guest_mem)?;
-- create_chosen_node(&mut fdt, cmdline, initrd)?;
-- create_gic_node(&mut fdt, gic_device)?;
-- create_timer_node(&mut fdt)?;
-- create_clock_node(&mut fdt)?;
-- create_psci_node(&mut fdt)?;
-- create_devices_node(&mut fdt, &device_info)?;
-+ fdt_writer.property_u32("interrupt-parent", GIC_PHANDLE)?;
-+ create_cpu_nodes(&mut fdt_writer, &vcpu_mpidr)?;
-+ create_memory_node(&mut fdt_writer, guest_mem)?;
-+ create_chosen_node(&mut fdt_writer, cmdline, initrd)?;
-+ create_gic_node(&mut fdt_writer, gic_device)?;
-+ create_timer_node(&mut fdt_writer)?;
-+ create_clock_node(&mut fdt_writer)?;
-+ create_psci_node(&mut fdt_writer)?;
-+ create_devices_node(&mut fdt_writer, &device_info)?;
- // End Header node.
-- append_end_node(&mut fdt)?;
-+ fdt_writer.end_node(root)?;
- // Allocate another buffer so we can format and then write fdt to guest.
-- let mut fdt_final = vec![0; FDT_MAX_SIZE];
-- finish_fdt(&mut fdt, &mut fdt_final)?;
-+ let fdt_final = fdt_writer.finish()?;
- // Write FDT to memory.
- let fdt_address = GuestAddress(get_fdt_addr(&guest_mem));
- guest_mem
- .write_slice(fdt_final.as_slice(), fdt_address)
-- .map_err(Error::WriteFDTToMemory)?;
-+ .map_err(Error::WriteFdtToMemory)?;
- Ok(fdt_final)
- }
--// Following are auxiliary functions for allocating and finishing the FDT.
--fn allocate_fdt(fdt: &mut Vec<u8>) -> Result<()> {
-- // Safe since we allocated this array with FDT_MAX_SIZE.
-- let mut fdt_ret = unsafe { fdt_create(fdt.as_mut_ptr() as *mut c_void, FDT_MAX_SIZE as c_int) };
-- if fdt_ret != 0 {
-- return Err(Error::CreateFDT(io::Error::last_os_error()));
-- }
-- // The flattened device trees created with fdt_create() contains a list of
-- // reserved memory areas. We need to call `fdt_finish_reservemap` so as to make sure that there is a
-- // terminator in the reservemap list and whatever happened to be at the
-- // start of the FDT data section would end up being interpreted as
-- // reservemap entries.
-- // Safe since we previously allocated this array.
-- fdt_ret = unsafe { fdt_finish_reservemap(fdt.as_mut_ptr() as *mut c_void) };
-- if fdt_ret != 0 {
-- return Err(Error::FinishFDTReserveMap(io::Error::last_os_error()));
-- }
-- Ok(())
--fn finish_fdt(from_fdt: &mut Vec<u8>, to_fdt: &mut Vec<u8>) -> Result<()> {
-- // Safe since we allocated `fdt_final` and previously passed in its size.
-- let mut fdt_ret = unsafe { fdt_finish(from_fdt.as_mut_ptr() as *mut c_void) };
-- if fdt_ret != 0 {
-- return Err(Error::FinishFDTReserveMap(io::Error::last_os_error()));
-- }
-- // Safe because we allocated both arrays with the correct size.
-- fdt_ret = unsafe {
-- fdt_open_into(
-- from_fdt.as_mut_ptr() as *mut c_void,
-- to_fdt.as_mut_ptr() as *mut c_void,
-- FDT_MAX_SIZE as i32,
-- )
-- };
-- if fdt_ret != 0 {
-- return Err(Error::FinishFDTReserveMap(io::Error::last_os_error()));
-- }
-- // Safe since we allocated `to_fdt`.
-- fdt_ret = unsafe { fdt_pack(to_fdt.as_mut_ptr() as *mut c_void) };
-- if fdt_ret != 0 {
-- return Err(Error::FinishFDTReserveMap(io::Error::last_os_error()));
-- }
-- Ok(())
--// Following are auxiliary functions for appending nodes to FDT.
--fn append_begin_node(fdt: &mut Vec<u8>, name: &str) -> Result<()> {
-- let cstr_name = CString::new(name).map_err(CstringFDTTransform)?;
-- // Safe because we allocated fdt and converted name to a CString
-- let fdt_ret = unsafe { fdt_begin_node(fdt.as_mut_ptr() as *mut c_void, cstr_name.as_ptr()) };
-- if fdt_ret != 0 {
-- return Err(Error::AppendFDTNode(io::Error::last_os_error()));
-- }
-- Ok(())
--fn append_end_node(fdt: &mut Vec<u8>) -> Result<()> {
-- // Safe because we allocated fdt.
-- let fdt_ret = unsafe { fdt_end_node(fdt.as_mut_ptr() as *mut c_void) };
-- if fdt_ret != 0 {
-- return Err(Error::AppendFDTNode(io::Error::last_os_error()));
-- }
-- Ok(())
--// Following are auxiliary functions for appending property nodes to the nodes of the FDT.
--fn append_property_u32(fdt: &mut Vec<u8>, name: &str, val: u32) -> Result<()> {
-- append_property(fdt, name, &to_be32(val))
--fn append_property_u64(fdt: &mut Vec<u8>, name: &str, val: u64) -> Result<()> {
-- append_property(fdt, name, &to_be64(val))
--fn append_property_string(fdt: &mut Vec<u8>, name: &str, value: &str) -> Result<()> {
-- let cstr_value = CString::new(value).map_err(CstringFDTTransform)?;
-- append_property_cstring(fdt, name, &cstr_value)
--fn append_property_cstring(fdt: &mut Vec<u8>, name: &str, cstr_value: &CStr) -> Result<()> {
-- let value_bytes = cstr_value.to_bytes_with_nul();
-- let cstr_name = CString::new(name).map_err(CstringFDTTransform)?;
-- // Safe because we allocated fdt, converted name and value to CStrings
-- let fdt_ret = unsafe {
-- fdt_property(
-- fdt.as_mut_ptr() as *mut c_void,
-- cstr_name.as_ptr(),
-- value_bytes.as_ptr() as *mut c_void,
-- value_bytes.len() as i32,
-- )
-- };
-- if fdt_ret != 0 {
-- return Err(Error::AppendFDTProperty(io::Error::last_os_error()));
-- }
-- Ok(())
--fn append_property_null(fdt: &mut Vec<u8>, name: &str) -> Result<()> {
-- let cstr_name = CString::new(name).map_err(CstringFDTTransform)?;
-- // Safe because we allocated fdt, converted name to a CString
-- let fdt_ret = unsafe {
-- fdt_property(
-- fdt.as_mut_ptr() as *mut c_void,
-- cstr_name.as_ptr(),
-- null(),
-- 0,
-- )
-- };
-- if fdt_ret != 0 {
-- return Err(Error::AppendFDTProperty(io::Error::last_os_error()));
-- }
-- Ok(())
--fn append_property(fdt: &mut Vec<u8>, name: &str, val: &[u8]) -> Result<()> {
-- let cstr_name = CString::new(name).map_err(CstringFDTTransform)?;
-- let val_ptr = val.as_ptr() as *const c_void;
-- // Safe because we allocated fdt and converted name to a CString
-- let fdt_ret = unsafe {
-- fdt_property(
-- fdt.as_mut_ptr() as *mut c_void,
-- cstr_name.as_ptr(),
-- val_ptr,
-- val.len() as i32,
-- )
-- };
-- if fdt_ret != 0 {
-- return Err(Error::AppendFDTProperty(io::Error::last_os_error()));
-- }
-- Ok(())
--fn append_cache_property_u32(fdt: &mut Vec<u8>, name: &str, val: Option<u32>) -> Result<()> {
-- if let Some(cache_attr) = val {
-- append_property_u32(fdt, name, cache_attr)?;
-- }
-- Ok(())
--// Auxiliary functions for writing u32/u64 numbers in big endian order.
--fn to_be32(input: u32) -> [u8; 4] {
-- u32::to_be_bytes(input)
--fn to_be64(input: u64) -> [u8; 8] {
-- u64::to_be_bytes(input)
--// Helper functions for generating a properly formatted byte vector using 32-bit/64-bit cells.
--fn generate_prop32(cells: &[u32]) -> Vec<u8> {
-- let mut ret: Vec<u8> = Vec::new();
-- for &e in cells {
-- ret.extend(to_be32(e).iter());
-- }
-- ret
--fn generate_prop64(cells: &[u64]) -> Vec<u8> {
-- let mut ret: Vec<u8> = Vec::new();
-- for &e in cells {
-- ret.extend(to_be64(e).iter());
-- }
-- ret
- // Following are the auxiliary function for creating the different nodes that we append to our FDT.
--fn create_cpu_nodes(fdt: &mut Vec<u8>, vcpu_mpidr: &[u64]) -> Result<()> {
-+fn create_cpu_nodes(fdt: &mut FdtWriter, vcpu_mpidr: &[u64]) -> Result<()> {
- // Since the L1 caches are not shareable among CPUs and they are direct attributes of the
- // cpu in the device tree, we process the L1 and non-L1 caches separately.
-+ // We use sysfs for extracting the cache information.
- let mut l1_caches: Vec<CacheEntry> = Vec::new();
- let mut non_l1_caches: Vec<CacheEntry> = Vec::new();
- // We use sysfs for extracting the cache information.
-@@ -312,49 +130,42 @@ fn create_cpu_nodes(fdt: &mut Vec<u8>, vcpu_mpidr: &[u64]) -> Result<()> {
- .map_err(|e| Error::ReadCacheInfo(e.to_string()))?;
- // See https://github.com/torvalds/linux/blob/master/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/arm/cpus.yaml.
-- append_begin_node(fdt, "cpus")?;
-+ let cpus = fdt.begin_node("cpus")?;
- // As per documentation, on ARM v8 64-bit systems value should be set to 2.
-- append_property_u32(fdt, "#address-cells", 0x02)?;
-- append_property_u32(fdt, "#size-cells", 0x0)?;
-+ fdt.property_u32("#address-cells", 0x02)?;
-+ fdt.property_u32("#size-cells", 0x0)?;
- let num_cpus = vcpu_mpidr.len();
- for (cpu_index, mpidr) in vcpu_mpidr.iter().enumerate() {
-- let cpu_name = format!("cpu@{:x}", cpu_index);
-- append_begin_node(fdt, &cpu_name)?;
-- append_property_string(fdt, "device_type", "cpu")?;
-- append_property_string(fdt, "compatible", "arm,arm-v8")?;
-+ let cpu = fdt.begin_node(&format!("cpu@{:x}", cpu_index))?;
-+ fdt.property_string("device_type", "cpu")?;
-+ fdt.property_string("compatible", "arm,arm-v8")?;
- // The power state coordination interface (PSCI) needs to be enabled for
- // all vcpus.
-- append_property_string(fdt, "enable-method", "psci")?;
-+ fdt.property_string("enable-method", "psci")?;
- // Set the field to first 24 bits of the MPIDR - Multiprocessor Affinity Register.
- // See http://infocenter.arm.com/help/index.jsp?topic=/com.arm.doc.ddi0488c/BABHBJCI.html.
-- append_property_u64(fdt, "reg", mpidr & 0x7F_FFFF)?;
-+ fdt.property_u64("reg", mpidr & 0x7FFFFF)?;
- for cache in l1_caches.iter() {
- // Please check out
- // https://github.com/devicetree-org/devicetree-specification/releases/download/v0.3/devicetree-specification-v0.3.pdf,
- // section 3.8.
-- append_cache_property_u32(
-- fdt,
-- cache.type_.of_cache_size(),
-- cache.size_.map(|s| s as u32),
-- )?;
-- append_cache_property_u32(
-- fdt,
-- cache.type_.of_cache_line_size(),
-- cache.line_size.map(|l| l as u32),
-- )?;
-- append_cache_property_u32(
-- fdt,
-- cache.type_.of_cache_sets(),
-- cache.number_of_sets.map(|s| s as u32),
-- )?;
-+ if let Some(size) = cache.size_ {
-+ fdt.property_u32(cache.type_.of_cache_size(), size as u32)?;
-+ }
-+ if let Some(line_size) = cache.line_size {
-+ fdt.property_u32(cache.type_.of_cache_line_size(), line_size as u32)?;
-+ }
-+ if let Some(number_of_sets) = cache.number_of_sets {
-+ fdt.property_u32(cache.type_.of_cache_sets(), number_of_sets as u32)?;
-+ }
- }
- // Some of the non-l1 caches can be shared amongst CPUs. You can see an example of a shared scenario
- // in https://github.com/devicetree-org/devicetree-specification/releases/download/v0.3/devicetree-specification-v0.3.pdf,
- // 3.8.1 Example.
- let mut prev_level = 1;
-- let mut node = false;
-+ let mut cache_node: Option<FdtWriterNode> = None;
- for cache in non_l1_caches.iter() {
- // We append the next-level-cache node (the node that specifies the cache hierarchy)
- // in the next iteration. For example,
-@@ -371,141 +182,127 @@ fn create_cpu_nodes(fdt: &mut Vec<u8>, vcpu_mpidr: &[u64]) -> Result<()> {
- as u32;
- if prev_level != cache.level {
-- append_property_u32(fdt, "next-level-cache", cache_phandle)?;
-- if prev_level > 1 {
-- append_end_node(fdt)?;
-- node = false;
-+ fdt.property_u32("next-level-cache", cache_phandle)?;
-+ if prev_level > 1 && cache_node.is_some() {
-+ fdt.end_node(cache_node.take().unwrap())?;
- }
- }
- if cpu_index % cache.cpus_per_unit as usize == 0 {
-- node = true;
-- append_begin_node(
-- fdt,
-- &format!(
-- "l{}-{}-cache",
-- cache.level,
-- cpu_index / cache.cpus_per_unit as usize
-- ),
-- )?;
-- append_property_u32(fdt, "phandle", cache_phandle)?;
-- append_property_string(fdt, "compatible", "cache")?;
-- append_property_u32(fdt, "cache-level", cache.level as u32)?;
-- append_cache_property_u32(
-- fdt,
-- cache.type_.of_cache_size(),
-- cache.size_.map(|s| s as u32),
-- )?;
-- append_cache_property_u32(
-- fdt,
-- cache.type_.of_cache_line_size(),
-- cache.line_size.map(|l| l as u32),
-- )?;
-- append_cache_property_u32(
-- fdt,
-- cache.type_.of_cache_sets(),
-- cache.number_of_sets.map(|s| s as u32),
-- )?;
-+ cache_node = Some(fdt.begin_node(&format!(
-+ "l{}-{}-cache",
-+ cache.level,
-+ cpu_index / cache.cpus_per_unit as usize
-+ ))?);
-+ fdt.property_u32("phandle", cache_phandle)?;
-+ fdt.property_string("compatible", "cache")?;
-+ fdt.property_u32("cache-level", cache.level as u32)?;
-+ if let Some(size) = cache.size_ {
-+ fdt.property_u32(cache.type_.of_cache_size(), size as u32)?;
-+ }
-+ if let Some(line_size) = cache.line_size {
-+ fdt.property_u32(cache.type_.of_cache_line_size(), line_size as u32)?;
-+ }
-+ if let Some(number_of_sets) = cache.number_of_sets {
-+ fdt.property_u32(cache.type_.of_cache_sets(), number_of_sets as u32)?;
-+ }
- if let Some(cache_type) = cache.type_.of_cache_type() {
-- append_property_null(fdt, cache_type)?;
-+ fdt.property_null(cache_type)?;
- }
- prev_level = cache.level;
- }
- }
-- if node {
-- append_end_node(fdt)?;
-+ if let Some(node) = cache_node {
-+ fdt.end_node(node)?;
- }
-- append_end_node(fdt)?;
-+ fdt.end_node(cpu)?;
- }
-- append_end_node(fdt)?;
-+ fdt.end_node(cpus)?;
- Ok(())
- }
--fn create_memory_node(fdt: &mut Vec<u8>, guest_mem: &GuestMemoryMmap) -> Result<()> {
-+fn create_memory_node(fdt: &mut FdtWriter, guest_mem: &GuestMemoryMmap) -> Result<()> {
- let mem_size = guest_mem.last_addr().raw_value() - super::layout::DRAM_MEM_START + 1;
- // See https://github.com/torvalds/linux/blob/master/Documentation/devicetree/booting-without-of.txt#L960
- // for an explanation of this.
-- let mem_reg_prop = generate_prop64(&[super::layout::DRAM_MEM_START as u64, mem_size as u64]);
-+ let mem_reg_prop = &[super::layout::DRAM_MEM_START as u64, mem_size as u64];
-+ let mem = fdt.begin_node("memory")?;
-+ fdt.property_string("device_type", "memory")?;
-+ fdt.property_array_u64("reg", mem_reg_prop)?;
-+ fdt.end_node(mem)?;
-- append_begin_node(fdt, "memory")?;
-- append_property_string(fdt, "device_type", "memory")?;
-- append_property(fdt, "reg", &mem_reg_prop)?;
-- append_end_node(fdt)?;
- Ok(())
- }
- fn create_chosen_node(
-- fdt: &mut Vec<u8>,
-- cmdline: &CStr,
-+ fdt: &mut FdtWriter,
-+ cmdline: &str,
- initrd: &Option<InitrdConfig>,
- ) -> Result<()> {
-- append_begin_node(fdt, "chosen")?;
-- append_property_cstring(fdt, "bootargs", cmdline)?;
-+ let chosen = fdt.begin_node("chosen")?;
-+ fdt.property_string("bootargs", cmdline)?;
- if let Some(initrd_config) = initrd {
-- append_property_u64(
-- fdt,
-+ fdt.property_u64(
- "linux,initrd-start",
- initrd_config.address.raw_value() as u64,
- )?;
-- append_property_u64(
-- fdt,
-+ fdt.property_u64(
- "linux,initrd-end",
- initrd_config.address.raw_value() + initrd_config.size as u64,
- )?;
- }
-- append_end_node(fdt)?;
-+ fdt.end_node(chosen)?;
- Ok(())
- }
--fn create_gic_node(fdt: &mut Vec<u8>, gic_device: &dyn GICDevice) -> Result<()> {
-- let gic_reg_prop = generate_prop64(gic_device.device_properties());
-- append_begin_node(fdt, "intc")?;
-- append_property_string(fdt, "compatible", gic_device.fdt_compatibility())?;
-- append_property_null(fdt, "interrupt-controller")?;
-+fn create_gic_node(fdt: &mut FdtWriter, gic_device: &dyn GICDevice) -> Result<()> {
-+ let interrupt = fdt.begin_node("intc")?;
-+ fdt.property_string("compatible", gic_device.fdt_compatibility())?;
-+ fdt.property_null("interrupt-controller")?;
- // "interrupt-cells" field specifies the number of cells needed to encode an
- // interrupt source. The type shall be a <u32> and the value shall be 3 if no PPI affinity description
- // is required.
-- append_property_u32(fdt, "#interrupt-cells", 3)?;
-- append_property(fdt, "reg", &gic_reg_prop)?;
-- append_property_u32(fdt, "phandle", GIC_PHANDLE)?;
-- append_property_u32(fdt, "#address-cells", 2)?;
-- append_property_u32(fdt, "#size-cells", 2)?;
-- append_property_null(fdt, "ranges")?;
-+ fdt.property_u32("#interrupt-cells", 3)?;
-+ fdt.property_array_u64("reg", &gic_device.device_properties())?;
-+ fdt.property_u32("phandle", GIC_PHANDLE)?;
-+ fdt.property_u32("#address-cells", 2)?;
-+ fdt.property_u32("#size-cells", 2)?;
-+ fdt.property_null("ranges")?;
- let gic_intr = [
- gic_device.fdt_maint_irq(),
- ];
-- let gic_intr_prop = generate_prop32(&gic_intr);
-- append_property(fdt, "interrupts", &gic_intr_prop)?;
-- append_end_node(fdt)?;
-+ fdt.property_array_u32("interrupts", &gic_intr)?;
-+ fdt.end_node(interrupt)?;
- Ok(())
- }
--fn create_clock_node(fdt: &mut Vec<u8>) -> Result<()> {
-+fn create_clock_node(fdt: &mut FdtWriter) -> Result<()> {
- // The Advanced Peripheral Bus (APB) is part of the Advanced Microcontroller Bus Architecture
- // (AMBA) protocol family. It defines a low-cost interface that is optimized for minimal power
- // consumption and reduced interface complexity.
- // PCLK is the clock source and this node defines exactly the clock for the APB.
-- append_begin_node(fdt, "apb-pclk")?;
-- append_property_string(fdt, "compatible", "fixed-clock")?;
-- append_property_u32(fdt, "#clock-cells", 0x0)?;
-- append_property_u32(fdt, "clock-frequency", 24_000_000)?;
-- append_property_string(fdt, "clock-output-names", "clk24mhz")?;
-- append_property_u32(fdt, "phandle", CLOCK_PHANDLE)?;
-- append_end_node(fdt)?;
-+ let clock = fdt.begin_node("apb-pclk")?;
-+ fdt.property_string("compatible", "fixed-clock")?;
-+ fdt.property_u32("#clock-cells", 0x0)?;
-+ fdt.property_u32("clock-frequency", 24_000_000)?;
-+ fdt.property_string("clock-output-names", "clk24mhz")?;
-+ fdt.property_u32("phandle", CLOCK_PHANDLE)?;
-+ fdt.end_node(clock)?;
- Ok(())
- }
--fn create_timer_node(fdt: &mut Vec<u8>) -> Result<()> {
-+fn create_timer_node(fdt: &mut FdtWriter) -> Result<()> {
- // See
- // https://github.com/torvalds/linux/blob/master/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/interrupt-controller/arch_timer.txt
- // These are fixed interrupt numbers for the timer device.
-@@ -518,85 +315,88 @@ fn create_timer_node(fdt: &mut Vec<u8>) -> Result<()> {
- timer_reg_cells.push(irq);
- timer_reg_cells.push(IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HI);
- }
-- let timer_reg_prop = generate_prop32(timer_reg_cells.as_slice());
-- append_begin_node(fdt, "timer")?;
-- append_property_string(fdt, "compatible", compatible)?;
-- append_property_null(fdt, "always-on")?;
-- append_property(fdt, "interrupts", &timer_reg_prop)?;
-- append_end_node(fdt)?;
-+ let timer = fdt.begin_node("timer")?;
-+ fdt.property_string("compatible", compatible)?;
-+ fdt.property_null("always-on")?;
-+ fdt.property_array_u32("interrupts", &timer_reg_cells)?;
-+ fdt.end_node(timer)?;
- Ok(())
- }
--fn create_psci_node(fdt: &mut Vec<u8>) -> Result<()> {
-+fn create_psci_node(fdt: &mut FdtWriter) -> Result<()> {
- let compatible = "arm,psci-0.2";
-- append_begin_node(fdt, "psci")?;
-- append_property_string(fdt, "compatible", compatible)?;
-+ let psci = fdt.begin_node("psci")?;
-+ fdt.property_string("compatible", compatible)?;
- // Two methods available: hvc and smc.
- // As per documentation, PSCI calls between a guest and hypervisor may use the HVC conduit instead of SMC.
- // So, since we are using kvm, we need to use hvc.
-- append_property_string(fdt, "method", "hvc")?;
-- append_end_node(fdt)?;
-+ fdt.property_string("method", "hvc")?;
-+ fdt.end_node(psci)?;
- Ok(())
- }
- fn create_virtio_node<T: DeviceInfoForFDT + Clone + Debug>(
-- fdt: &mut Vec<u8>,
-+ fdt: &mut FdtWriter,
- dev_info: &T,
- ) -> Result<()> {
-- let device_reg_prop = generate_prop64(&[dev_info.addr(), dev_info.length()]);
-- let irq = generate_prop32(&[GIC_FDT_IRQ_TYPE_SPI, dev_info.irq(), IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_RISING]);
-+ let virtio_mmio = fdt.begin_node(&format!("virtio_mmio@{:x}", dev_info.addr()))?;
-- append_begin_node(fdt, &format!("virtio_mmio@{:x}", dev_info.addr()))?;
-- append_property_string(fdt, "compatible", "virtio,mmio")?;
-- append_property(fdt, "reg", &device_reg_prop)?;
-- append_property(fdt, "interrupts", &irq)?;
-- append_property_u32(fdt, "interrupt-parent", GIC_PHANDLE)?;
-- append_end_node(fdt)?;
-+ fdt.property_string("compatible", "virtio,mmio")?;
-+ fdt.property_array_u64("reg", &[dev_info.addr(), dev_info.length()])?;
-+ fdt.property_array_u32(
-+ "interrupts",
-+ )?;
-+ fdt.property_u32("interrupt-parent", GIC_PHANDLE)?;
-+ fdt.end_node(virtio_mmio)?;
- Ok(())
- }
- fn create_serial_node<T: DeviceInfoForFDT + Clone + Debug>(
-- fdt: &mut Vec<u8>,
-+ fdt: &mut FdtWriter,
- dev_info: &T,
- ) -> Result<()> {
-- let serial_reg_prop = generate_prop64(&[dev_info.addr(), dev_info.length()]);
-- let irq = generate_prop32(&[GIC_FDT_IRQ_TYPE_SPI, dev_info.irq(), IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_RISING]);
-- append_begin_node(fdt, &format!("uart@{:x}", dev_info.addr()))?;
-- append_property_string(fdt, "compatible", "ns16550a")?;
-- append_property(fdt, "reg", &serial_reg_prop)?;
-- append_property_u32(fdt, "clocks", CLOCK_PHANDLE)?;
-- append_property_string(fdt, "clock-names", "apb_pclk")?;
-- append_property(fdt, "interrupts", &irq)?;
-- append_end_node(fdt)?;
-+ let serial = fdt.begin_node(&format!("uart@{:x}", dev_info.addr()))?;
-+ fdt.property_string("compatible", "ns16550a")?;
-+ fdt.property_array_u64("reg", &[dev_info.addr(), dev_info.length()])?;
-+ fdt.property_u32("clocks", CLOCK_PHANDLE)?;
-+ fdt.property_string("clock-names", "apb_pclk")?;
-+ fdt.property_array_u32(
-+ "interrupts",
-+ )?;
-+ fdt.end_node(serial)?;
- Ok(())
- }
- fn create_rtc_node<T: DeviceInfoForFDT + Clone + Debug>(
-- fdt: &mut Vec<u8>,
-+ fdt: &mut FdtWriter,
- dev_info: &T,
- ) -> Result<()> {
- let compatible = b"arm,pl031\0arm,primecell\0";
-- let rtc_reg_prop = generate_prop64(&[dev_info.addr(), dev_info.length()]);
-- let irq = generate_prop32(&[GIC_FDT_IRQ_TYPE_SPI, dev_info.irq(), IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HI]);
-- append_begin_node(fdt, &format!("rtc@{:x}", dev_info.addr()))?;
-- append_property(fdt, "compatible", compatible)?;
-- append_property(fdt, "reg", &rtc_reg_prop)?;
-- append_property(fdt, "interrupts", &irq)?;
-- append_property_u32(fdt, "clocks", CLOCK_PHANDLE)?;
-- append_property_string(fdt, "clock-names", "apb_pclk")?;
-- append_end_node(fdt)?;
-+ let rtc = fdt.begin_node(&format!("rtc@{:x}", dev_info.addr()))?;
-+ fdt.property("compatible", compatible)?;
-+ fdt.property_array_u64("reg", &[dev_info.addr(), dev_info.length()])?;
-+ fdt.property_array_u32(
-+ "interrupts",
-+ &[GIC_FDT_IRQ_TYPE_SPI, dev_info.irq(), IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HI],
-+ )?;
-+ fdt.property_u32("clocks", CLOCK_PHANDLE)?;
-+ fdt.property_string("clock-names", "apb_pclk")?;
-+ fdt.end_node(rtc)?;
- Ok(())
- }
- fn create_devices_node<T: DeviceInfoForFDT + Clone + Debug, S: std::hash::BuildHasher>(
-- fdt: &mut Vec<u8>,
-+ fdt: &mut FdtWriter,
- dev_info: &HashMap<(DeviceType, String), T, S>,
- ) -> Result<()> {
- // Create one temp Vec to store all virtio devices
-@@ -688,7 +488,7 @@ mod tests {
- assert!(create_fdt(
- &mem,
- vec![0],
-- &CString::new("console=tty0").unwrap(),
-+ "console=tty0",
- &dev_info,
- gic.as_ref(),
- &None,
-@@ -710,10 +510,10 @@ mod tests {
- _ => panic!("Unexpected gic version!"),
- };
-- let mut current_dtb_bytes = create_fdt(
-+ let current_dtb_bytes = create_fdt(
- &mem,
- vec![0],
-- &CString::new("console=tty0").unwrap(),
-+ "console=tty0",
- &HashMap::<(DeviceType, std::string::String), MMIODeviceInfo>::new(),
- gic.as_ref(),
- &None,
-@@ -746,7 +546,6 @@ mod tests {
- buf.extend_from_slice(saved_dtb_bytes);
- set_size(&mut buf, pos, val);
-- set_size(&mut current_dtb_bytes, pos, val);
- let original_fdt = device_tree::DeviceTree::load(&buf).unwrap();
- let generated_fdt = device_tree::DeviceTree::load(&current_dtb_bytes).unwrap();
- assert_eq!(
-@@ -774,10 +573,10 @@ mod tests {
- size: 0x1000,
- };
-- let mut current_dtb_bytes = create_fdt(
-+ let current_dtb_bytes = create_fdt(
- &mem,
- vec![0],
-- &CString::new("console=tty0").unwrap(),
-+ "console=tty0",
- &HashMap::<(DeviceType, std::string::String), MMIODeviceInfo>::new(),
- gic.as_ref(),
- &Some(initrd),
-@@ -810,7 +609,6 @@ mod tests {
- buf.extend_from_slice(saved_dtb_bytes);
- set_size(&mut buf, pos, val);
-- set_size(&mut current_dtb_bytes, pos, val);
- let original_fdt = device_tree::DeviceTree::load(&buf).unwrap();
- let generated_fdt = device_tree::DeviceTree::load(&current_dtb_bytes).unwrap();
- assert_eq!(
-diff --git a/src/arch/src/aarch64/mod.rs b/src/arch/src/aarch64/mod.rs
-index 0ddbf776..fb6baf54 100644
---- a/src/arch/src/aarch64/mod.rs
-+++ b/src/arch/src/aarch64/mod.rs
-@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ pub mod regs;
- use std::cmp::min;
- use std::collections::HashMap;
--use std::ffi::CStr;
- use std::fmt::Debug;
- pub use self::fdt::DeviceInfoForFDT;
-@@ -52,7 +51,7 @@ pub fn arch_memory_regions(size: usize) -> Vec<(GuestAddress, usize)> {
- /// * `initrd` - Information about an optional initrd.
- pub fn configure_system<T: DeviceInfoForFDT + Clone + Debug, S: std::hash::BuildHasher>(
- guest_mem: &GuestMemoryMmap,
-- cmdline_cstring: &CStr,
-+ cmdline_cstring: &str,
- vcpu_mpidr: Vec<u64>,
- device_info: &HashMap<(DeviceType, String), T, S>,
- gic_device: &dyn GICDevice,
-diff --git a/src/vmm/src/builder.rs b/src/vmm/src/builder.rs
-index 5f5b7db1..6f38d9c3 100644
---- a/src/vmm/src/builder.rs
-+++ b/src/vmm/src/builder.rs
-@@ -783,7 +783,7 @@ pub fn configure_system_for_boot(
- .collect();
- arch::aarch64::configure_system(
- &vmm.guest_memory,
-- &boot_cmdline.as_cstring().map_err(LoadCommandline)?,
-+ &boot_cmdline.as_str(),
- vcpu_mpidr,
- vmm.mmio_device_manager.get_device_info(),
- vmm.vm.get_irqchip(),