#!/bin/sh # vim: set ts=4: set -eu . "$(dirname "$0")"/common.sh title 'Setting up Alpine Linux' mkdir -p "${ALPINE_ROOT}${CLONE_DIR}" mount --bind "$CLONE_DIR" "${ALPINE_ROOT}${CLONE_DIR}" alpine_run <<-EOF apk add alpine-sdk lua-aports adduser -G users -s /bin/sh -D $ALPINE_USER addgroup $ALPINE_USER abuild addgroup $ALPINE_USER wheel echo '%wheel ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL' > /etc/sudoers.d/wheel sed -i 's/JOBS=[0-9]*/JOBS=$(nproc)/' /etc/abuild.conf mkdir -p /var/cache/distfiles chmod a+w /var/cache/distfiles # Hack to disable apk's progress bar. install -m755 -D .travis/abuild-apk /usr/local/bin/abuild-apk EOF # This key will not be used anywhere, just to make abuild happy... alpine_run $ALPINE_USER <<-EOF abuild-keygen -ain EOF