#!/bin/sh keyfile='/etc/roundcube/session_key' if ! [ -e "$keyfile" ]; then echo '* Generating random session key' >&2 { head /dev/urandom | tr -dc A-Za-z0-9 | head -c 24 && echo ''; } > "$keyfile" chmod 440 "$keyfile" chgrp roundcube "$keyfile" fi if [ "${0##*.}" = 'post-upgrade' ]; then ver_new="$1" ver_old="$2" cat >&2 <<-EOF * * Please read /usr/share/doc/roundcube/UPGRADE * in roundcubemail-doc package for schema or config update * EOF if [ "$(apk version -t "$ver_old" '1.3.6-r1')" = '<' ]; then cat >&2 <<-EOF * * If you run Roundcube with web server's privileges, e.g. using Apache2 * mod_php (which is highly not recommended due to security reasons!), you * have to change config permissions (or add user apache to group roundcube): * * chgrp www-data /etc/roundcube/* * * Roundcube plugins managesieve and zipdownload has been moved into * subpackages. If you use them, install roundcubemail- using apk * (e.g. apk add roundcubemail-zipdownload). * EOF fi fi exit 0